Cosmology Journal Club
The Cosmology Journal Club is a series of weekly informal discussions of recent papers published or posted on the arXiv. The scope is meant to be very broad but the papers should somehow be related to cosmology. We are hoping theorists, experimentalists and observers from both the Physics and the Astronomy Departments will drop by.
We have a ~30 minute talk about either someone’s research or an arXiv paper, led by an assigned presenters. We also have another 30 minutes of arxiv review of the week. Anyone can volunteer to present a paper briefly, and then the rest can weigh in with comments, questions and complaints. The goal is to keep the entire process very informal.
The date and time of the journal club varies every semester, please check in the Cosmology Slack or ask a group member. All faculty, postdocs, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in Cosmology and Astrophysics are welcome to listen, suggest and present!
If you have questions or comments about this Journal Club, would like to propose a topic or volunteer to introduce a paper, contact Peter Ferguson ( or Yjan Gordon (
High Energy Theory and Theoretical Cosmology Seminar
The High Energy Theory and Theoretical Cosmology Seminar is held weekly. Current announcements can be found in the daily seminar announcement email of the department or by inscribing to our google group
NPAC Seminar (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo)
The NPAC seminar covers a wide range of fields, including cosmology. Seminar announcements are here and in the daily seminar email of the department.
N3AS Seminars:
University of Wisconsin-Madison Physics Department is part of the National Physics Frontier Center entitled “Network for Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries” (N3AS). Weekly seminars of N3AS are accessible via zoom. These seminars cover topics both in astrophysics and cosmology.
AI Physics Seminar
Applications from cosmology are sometimes covered in the AI Physics seminar. For seminar announcements see here.
Astronomy Department talks
Subjects from cosmology are also often covered in talks in the Astronomy Department.